If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Week 19: Sound Waves, Part 1

S8P4e. Relate the properties of sound to everyday experiences
S8P4f. Diagram the parts of a wave and explain how the parts are affected by changes in  amplitude and pitch.

VOTW: sound, vibration, longitudinal wave, mechanical wave, compression, rarefaction, amplitude, pitch, frequency, hertz, decibel

What is Sound?

Do you still remember how to draw and label a longitudinal wave? At what point in the video below do you see compressions and rarefactions?

How do we Hear Sound?
Watch this video!
Be prepared to make annotated diagrams of the ear as you explain how we hear sounds.

What about Pitch and Frequency?

Need a shorter explanation? Try this video:

Our Agenda this Week:
(The schedule changes to match the needs of my students.)

Snow Day
Sound Wave Project Intro & ResearchSound Wave Project Intro & ResearchSound Wave Project Intro & ResearchSound Wave Project Intro & Research
Snow Day
What is Sound? The EarSpeed of SoundPitch & FrequencyComputer Lab
Next Week:  Sound Waves, Waves Unit Test