If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week 21: Waves Recap

Okay so last week we should have concluded our studies on waves, but due to the great questions in our breakout sessions and testing, I will move our test to a later date. This week will be devoted to our review and presentations.

 If you need study guides, please go back to the posts in your Edmodo classrooms.

Last week I posted visual unit guides that you are more than welcome to use in preparation of the test (tentatively rescheduled for this Friday).

Enjoy your day off on Monday and see you back on Tuesday.

PLEASE NOTE: Our agenda for this week will be posted on Monday evening.

Our Agenda this Week:
(The schedule changes to match the needs of my students.)

No School
Sound Wave Project PresentationsSound Wave Project PresentationsSound Wave Project PresentationsSound Wave Project Presentations;
Waves Standard Projects
No School
Waves Standards ProjectWaves Standard ProjectsWaves Standard ProjectsWaves Unit Test
Next Week:   Magnetism