Journal Options 35-36
Law of Inertia: Explain and demonstrate Newton ’s First Law of Motion to your parents. Then ask your parents to give and demonstrate to you ONE good example of this law. Share your parents’ example and whether they were correct or not. If they were not correct, explain in detail how you would correct their example.
Law of Acceleration: Explain and demonstrate Newton ’s Second Law of Motion to your parents. Then ask your parents to give and demonstrate to you ONE good example of this law. Share your parents’ example and whether they were correct or not. If they were not correct, explain in detail how you would correct their example.
Hurricane Project Research: Recap on your progress in the computer lab. Did you find these websites helpful in gathering information for your team’s project? Is there any additional information you need to ensure that you build your house in the best way possible? What information will you share with your team about how you should build your home now that you have gathered your research?
Gathering Research: Take all of your research and write three paragraphs about the information you learned and how each is applicable to the construction of your home.
(This entry can be used in your lab report for step 2.)
(This entry can be used in your lab report for step 2.)