If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Welcome to my NEW Webpage!

Dear Parents and Students,
I have been quite busy now that the hurricane project is behind us.  I wanted to improve my website for students and make it more resourceful for parents.  Here our some of the additions to my page.

1. Voki - Press play and you will get a REAL welcome from yours truly!
2. Shelfari - Here are some of the books I have read or will read during the school year.
3. QR Code - Attention all smartphones, iPod touches, and iPad owners.  Just download a QR reader app and take a photo of this fancy barcode and have my contact information at your fingertips.
4. Helpful Links - Here's access to other teachers' pages, sites I like to use, and sites you need for school information.
5. Snapshots - My new favorite interactive widget...now you can preview and watch the videos on my site without leaving!

If you get a chance, send me an email telling me what you think about the new design!