If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Reflections for August 22-26

Monday & Tuesday - Students received a packet covering our first unit.  These were collected on Thursday this week. I will grade them and return next week and post the answer key online so that parents can go over the answers (make revisions) with their children.

Wednesday & Thursday - We "unpacked" S8P1 on Matter.  Students shared their thoughts on matter and then we looked at the standards we need to master.  We addressed vocabulary in context and shared how we will play a role in our learning.

Thursday - We took our first formative assessment today.  These grades will be posted no later than Monday.

Friday - Journals were turned in (green folders) and will be read over the weekend and into the next week.  While students are waiting for journals to be returned, they should begin working on Journal entries 5 and 6 during next week.  I will try and have all journals returned by Wednesday.  (Advanced - I will let you know when your blogs are graded.)  We started taking notes on atoms so please begin reviewing notes over the weekend so that we can move into the next segment.