If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Monday, September 5, 2011

New Partipation Points Opportunities this week!

Wallwisher Directions:
Find or create a video, podcast, image, game, or presentation on any of the following topics for each Wallwisher board. Provide a summary on the information shared and how your peers will find the content helpful. Only include your FIRST NAME and PERIOD (ex. Madison6) to your postings. Matter, Part 1 is due September 18th and Matter, Part 2 is due October 1st. You may only do one (1) Wallwish post per board. Each is worth 5 points. Click POST A STICKY to add a post.

Matter, Part 1 - Atoms, Elements, Compounds, Mixtures, & The Periodic Table of Elements

Matter, Part 2 - Physical/Chemical Changes, Physical/Chemical Properties, States of Matter, & the Law of Conservation of Matter (Mass)

Help Session (5-10 points weekly)

Come in and work alone OR create a study group and review current topics! You must sign in to receive credit.

"I'm Done, Now What?" Activities (points vary)

Check out the Tic-Tac-Toe Board (by the door)for activities you can complete after finishing your regular class assignments.

Twitter Participation (3 points)

Find one (1) item at home and look at the ingredients it contains. Identify all elements you recognize (use your periodic table sheet for help). Then identify physical properties of the elements (shape, classification, state, texture, color, etc.) before it was used to create a new substance. Hint: Look up physical properties online to get a good definition. Post your responses on http://twitter.com/msprince8 by September 15th.

Photo on Green Reflection Journal Folder (5 pts) Add a picture of yourself on the front cover of your journal. This is due by Sept. 9th.