If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 17 - 21

Well, this week in science will be a bit more relaxed as we will OFFICIALLY wrap up the Matter Unit with an update to our classroom portfolios. There will be NO JOURNAL TOPICS this week. Journal writing will resume on the 24th of October.

Advance - Work on Science Reading Requirement; Begin organizing your binders. Complete your CRCT Practice #4 (which is your only hw).
Regular - Begin organizing your binders. Complete your CRCT Practice #4 (which is your only hw).

Parents - Grades will be updated throughout this week several times.  Projects will take some time to grade so please be patient.   As a result, grades may not accurately reflect your child's performance in science until mid-next week. As soon as the grading "dust" has settled, I will send an email out informing you to check your child's progress.