If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, October 23, 2011

New Unit Energy

TOPIC: What is Energy?

Physical Science Calendar (ABOVE): Please use the calendar above to stay abreast of what is going on in science.  This is the best back up for limited agenda use and supporting student progress this year.  I have added descriptions for each day's worth of activities to support students (and parents) at home. I hope you find this information as helpful!

Journal Entries 17 & 18 - Choose any 2 of the topics provided and use your journal checklist to ensure you have everything you need to have dynamic entry posts. Please copy the option onto your paper/blog so that WE know what topic you're addressing.

Energy Song - We will learn a song that goes with our unit.  Please ask your children to sing it to you (perhaps, you can learn the song too).

CRCT Practice #5 - New pink slips will go out this week.  Students MUST use the sample provided to complete their pink slip each week.  Please look over this task with your child. They have ONE WHOLE WEEK to answer ONE question. Due dates are as follows: 3rd - Monday; 4th - Tuesday; 5th - Wednesday; 6th - Thursday

Ongoing Homework - Each week your child needs to (1) study 20 mins., (2) complete 2 journal entries, and (3) complete their CRCT pink slip.  Students who have more work to complete at home is due to how they use their class time.  Enough class time is provided for each task.

Special HOMEWORK this week for 3rd: Practice Energy Song, Upload an action scene from your favorite movie to YOUR Edmodo page. (The picture may only come from a movie that is rated G, PG, or PG13 AND appropriate for school.), Gather materials for Energy Fashion Show project

Special HOMEWORK this week for 4th: Practice Energy Song and study vocabulary

Special HOMEWORK this week for 5th & 6th: Practice Energy Song, study vocabulary, and be prepared to share your favorite sport

Review Flashcards AVAILABLE!

Energy Participation 
Directions: To receive credit you must (1) complete your participation activities by November 3, 2011 (unless another date is provided). Make sure you include your first name and period by your contributions to receive credit. 

Energy Wallwisher – 10pts:

Energy Fotobabble – 10pts:
Take and upload a photo of yourself demonstrating an example of energy. Go to http://www.fotobabble.com/ and record a narration of a type or types of energy demonstrated. After creating the Fotobabble, email the link or embed code to me for review. There is a sample of a Fotobabble on my webpage using the Energy Study Guide (just hit the play button above).

Twitter – 10pts:
Identify and describe three types of energy that occur in Dobbins beyond our hall. Tweet your response to http://twitter.com/msprince8. Use the hashtag #dmsenergy. This is due by November 1, 2011.

Help Session – 5pts:
Get caught up on assignments, journals, notes, or just study independently.

Help Session Study Group – 10pts:
Form a group and answer the following questions on energy. Then make sure each paper is submitted for credit to be validated.

(1) Create a chart of the different types of energy. Beside each energy list an example (not given in class notes or discussion) of each. Keep the list going around. Place your name by your contributions. The minimum number of examples on your list should match the number of people in your study group times 2! 

(2) Discuss the types of energy conversions that occur in cooking dinner, playing ball, riding a bike, doing homework, and washing dishes. Make sure everyone writes their name next to their contribution.

Energy StudyBoost - 15pts:
Take the following quiz of 30 questions. When you have completed the quiz, take a screenshot of your score of 80% of better (24+ right), print out or email the image to me for credit. This is due by November 10th.