If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Monday, November 21, 2011

Waves Week 3 Agenda

December 5th - Start notes on EM Waves;  3rd period turns in CRCT 9 and receives CRCT 10. 

December 6th - Start Wave Characteristics Notes; 4th  period turns in CRCT 9 and receives CRCT 10. 

December 7th - Early Release/No Science Help Session; Continue notes from yesterday; 5th  period turns in CRCT 9 and receives CRCT 10. WavesTown activity is due

December 8th - 3-5 pennies due today.Foldables Activities (Penny Pyramid and Venn Diagram 3-Tab); 6th  period turns in CRCT 9 and receives CRCT 10.

December 9th - Human Eyes PPT; Journals 25-28 Due. Science Literacy Reports Due (3rd only)

Reminders: Vocabulary Test (12/12); Midterm (12/14); Standards Project (12/12 - 12/16)