If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Monday, June 25, 2012

All Things Writing!

Did you just learn that you have a budding author right at home?  Perhaps, your child needs to strengthen their writing skills in time to write college entrance or scholarship essays?  Well, look no further because you have come to the right place for a few resources.  Unfortunately, my search did not yield a plethora of results for Georgia, but there are a number of resources that your child can participate in to strengthen their writing habits.

Out-of-State Writing Programs
Rhodes College in Tennessee - http://www.rhodes.edu/English/4422.asp
Sewanee Writers Conference in Tennessee - http://www.sewanee.edu/ywc/
Young Writers' Conference in California - http://www.youngwritersconference.org/

U of Florida Summer Journalism Institute - http://www.jou.ufl.edu/sji/

In Georgia 
Georgia Writer's Program http://www.georgiawriters.org/

Writing Projects
Young Writer's Program - http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/ (my favorite)
National Student Poets Program - http://www.artandwriting.org/NSPP
Young Writers of America - http://www.youngwritersofamerica.com/
The Young Voices Foundation - http://www.youngvoicesfoundation.org/

Other Writing Sites of Interest
National Writing Project - http://www.nwp.org/
Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award - http://www.amazon.com/b?node=332264011