If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week 15: What is a Wave?

What better way to start Week 15 by looking at Chapter 15! Our topic is Waves and for the next several weeks we are going to focus on sound and electromagnetic energy through sound and light waves.  It is important to remember what sound and light energy are so that we can transfer our learning of those ideas to new material.

VOTW: wave, energy, medium, mechanical wave, vibration, transverse wave, crest, trough, longitudinal wave, compression, rarefaction, amplitude, wavelength, wave speed, frequency, hertz (Hz), electromagnetic wave

Here is a video that I have already created that I encourage you to review in preparation for this week.

We will address most of these topics the first part of this week. The latter part of the week will be spent in the computer lab.

Our Agenda this Week:
(The schedule changes to match the needs of my students.)

Intro to Waves Notes
Intro to Waves NotesIntro to Waves NotesComputer Lab: Waves Lab & Reflection Blogs
Energy Standards Project Due
Computer Lab: Waves Lab & Reflection
Intro to Waves Notes
Intro to Waves NotesIntro to Waves NotesComputer Lab: Waves Lab & Reflection Blogs
Energy Standards Project Due
Computer Lab: Waves Lab & Reflection Blogs
Next Week:  Thanksgiving Break