If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 25: Motion

How do you know when an object is in motion? Of course, your natural response is to say that you saw the object move.  However, there were things in the environment that helped you draw that conclusion.  This week we will discuss motion, how to measure motion, how to graph motion, and how motion relates to force.

VOTW: motion, reference point, slope, line graph, x-axis, y-axis, constant rate of change, speed, velocity, variable

Here is a short video on motion and graphing motion. Click this link.

(c) M. Prince, 2013
(c) M. Prince, 2013 
Look at the two pictures above. How  would you describe whether or not the ball actually moved?

Agenda for This Week

Gifted Electricity Learning Labs
Lab Materials DUE
Workbook Pages DUE
Motion Vocabulary
What is Motion
Calculating Motion Graphing Motion Motion Quiz
Force Workbook Pages
Regular Motion Vocabulary
Workbook Pages DUE
What is Motion? Calculating Motion Graphing Motion Motion Quiz
Force Workbook Pages
Changes to the weekly agenda are based on the needs of my students.