If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weeks 28/29: Work and Simple Machines (Final GPS Unit)

What is Work?

Sure it could be the place where your parents receive a paycheck.  Maybe it's also the list of things you have to do when you get home from school.  Perhaps, it's the assignments that you're required to complete in school and at home. In physical science, it is when a force is exerted over a certain distance.  However, in physical science, work is only done when the force exerted and the distance traveled are in the SAME direction. (For more on work, click here.)

VOTW: work, joules, power, watts, force, distance, simple machines, lever, screw, inclined plane, wedge, pulley, and wheel-and-axle

Source: http://www.passmyexams.co.uk/GCSE/physics/images/work_weight_02.jpg

In the image above, let's say that the weightlifter pulled the weights up and over his head.  The force is directed in an upward motion and the distance the weights traveled is in the same direction.  Therefore, work has been done on this object. 

Now let's say that perhaps the weightlifter was just holding the weights in the air and doing nothing more.  While there is a force being applied (pushing to keep the weights up) the weights are traveling no where. Therefore, work IS NOT being done on the object in this case.  When force is acting on its own no work is done on the object. 

What are Simple Machines?

Simple machines make work easier. There are 5 types of simple machines: levers, screws, inclined plane, wedge, pulley, and wheel-and-axle.  Below are two videos: one on the types of simple machines and the other on three classes of levers.  

How Do You Calculate Work?

Rube Goldberg Ideas Everywhere!

This Week's Agenda
Monday - Work and Simple Machines Video; Finish Workbook Pages
Tuesday - Workbook Pages Due; Calculating Work (Notes/Problems)
Wednesday - Work and Simple Machines Mini Rube Goldberg Project Introduced
Thursday - Legos Activities
Friday - Legos Activities; Mini Project Due

Next Week...
Monday - Academy Lab: Simple Machines Activity
Tuesday - Simple Machines Test; Standards Project
Wednesday - Standards Project
Thursday - Standards Project
Friday - Standards Project (due Monday-3/31)