If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Monday, July 28, 2014


In less than a week my classroom will be filled with students again. So much to do and plenty of time to get it done (at least I hope so). The classroom is almost done so now it's time to work on my student data folders. Here are pictures of the classroom coming to life once again. After much reflection over the summer, I will be implementing new things and tossing out or revamping a few old ideas. July 31st is Open House and I am looking forward to meeting my new families.

The tables are arranged into groups.

Teacher Area

The other side of my classroom

After 2 days...

Pinterest-inspired - Wall pop messages 

Pinterest-inspired - Instagram Photo Wall

Pinterest-inspired - Student Work Wall

Data Wall (filled with placeholders)

Front area - Still needs a lot of work

Student Data Folder Center (not finished)

My desk - I thought I would keep a wall pop here for my teacher-student conferences.

White Board Display - A colleague made letters for my board! (Thanks Melanie!)

Nurse Pass Station - missing a label
I hope to be completely done by Tuesday.  I am pleased with my progress and looking forward to posting updated pictures later this week!