If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 8: Matter in Review

*DTC = Daily Task Card

Monday - 29
Tuesday - 30
Wednesday - 1
Thursday - 2
Friday - 3
(p.46 - 47)
Conser. of Mass Notes in Lab 404
P.Table Quiz
Matter Group Project
Matter Group Project
Matter Group Project in Lab 404
How to Upload to School Tube
Matter Group Project
(p.46 - 47)
Conser. of Mass Notes in Lab 404
P.Table Quiz
Matter Group Project
Matter Group Project
Matter Group Project in Lab 404
How to Upload to School Tube
Matter Group Project
(p.46 - 47)
Conser. of Mass Notes in Lab 404
P.Table Quiz
Matter Unit Review Game
(p.46 - 47)
Conser. of Mass Notes in Lab 404
P.Table Quiz


Matter Unit Review Game
                      Lab 404 – Bring headphones September 29th  
                      3rd/4th Matter project uploaded to School Tube
                           BEFORE 10/6
                      5th/6th Matter Unit Test on October 6th
                      Fall Conferences are October 13-17