If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 14: Showing Out with Energy

Vocabulary Words: energy, energy transformation, law of conservation of energy, conduction, convection, radiation, sound energy, electromagnetic energy, mechanical motion energy, gravitational potential energy, electrical energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal energy, elastic potential energy, conductor, insulator, heat

Monday - 10
Tuesday - 
Wednesday      12
Thursday - 
Friday - 
*Lab 404 - Surveys
*Energy Review Foldable
* Update TOC
Lab 404 - Finalize & Upload Pres.
Energy Project Presentations

Finish Presentations
Energy Post Test
Update Data Charts
*Energy Review Foldable
* Update TOC
Lab 404 - 
Finalize & Upload Pres.
Energy Project Presentations

Finish Presentations
Energy Post Test
Update Data Charts
*Energy Review Foldable
* Update TOC
Lab 404 - Type/Print
Lyrics & Upload to MBC
Energy Project Presentations

Finish Presentations
Energy Post Test
Update Data Charts
*Energy Review Foldable
* Update TOC
Lab 404 - 
Finalize & Upload Pres.
Energy Project Presentations

Finish Presentations
Energy Post Test
Update Data Charts
   Bring headphones for the computer lab on Tuesday.
   Download i-Nigma app this week!
   Our next unit requires you have access to Google.
   Thanksgiving Break is November 23 - 28.
   Progress Reports go home November 14th.