If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week 27: Wrapping up Motion and Forces


3rd - 4th
(BYOT all week)
5th - 6th
(No BYOT all week)
Hurricane House Project: Building Houses
Go over Chap 10 Activities
Science Court: Gravity

Finish Building Houses (Take home TODAY if not finished in class.)
Continue Chapter 10 Activities: Newton's Laws

Houses on Display in Media Center; Work on Construction Profile Booklet

Continue Chapter 10 Activities:
Momentum, Centripetal Force, 
Houses on Display in Media Center; Work on Construction Profile Booklet
Begin Chapter 12: Simple Machines Vocabulary/Notes
Field Day (begins at 10:30 AM)
*Students are responsible to make arrangements to collect make up work.
Simple Machines Notes (cont.)
* 5th/6th Periods: S8P3 Unit Exam will be given the latter part of next week and covers Chaps 9, 10, & 12.