If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week 15: Focusing on Light Waves


Last week was a great start to our new unit. This week we are still exploring light and sound waves (S8P4). During this unit, our learning goals for light waves will include the following:

  • Identifying the characteristics of EM and mechanical waves (P4a);
  • Describing how light waves behave (P4b); and 
  • Explaining how the eye sees objects and colors at different wavelengths (P4c).

We took our first quiz for the unit on Friday, and those who successfully completed that task will move on to the next level. Remember the key to winning in classcraft revolves around teamwork. Study with a peer or two to strengthen your knowledge of key concepts and terms.

Upon successful completion of the first quiz, students will complete light notes and begin working on labs. Please follow the instructions on your Intro to Waves/3 Color Mystery assignments.

AGENDA (all classes)
All week - Wave learning activities
HW: Study your notes each night in preparation for labs and assessments.

Parents please remember that the full week's lesson plan is located on your child's QR code each Monday in their notebook.