If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journal Topics 31-32

Journals 31-32
Option 1:  FORCE OBSERVATIONS – What is force?  Use your knowledge of force to fill this chart out with twenty (20) documented pieces of evidence of force you observe in one day.  Include pictures and color.  Highlight key terms.
Place or Location
Event Description (clearly worded)
Push or Pull?

Option 2: FORCE – Learn more about force, who came up with it, and how scientists explain it.  What makes things move? What makes things stop? Are there ways to demonstrate the laws of force?  Use annotated pictures (pictures with words) to support your written explanation.  Include color and highlighting.

Option 3: FRICTION – Conduct an internet search on Friction.  Identify the different types of friction according to the website. Fore each type, identify and describe two (2) experiences with that kind of friction in your home and/or neighborhood.  You may create a chart.  Include pictures, highlighting, and color.

Type of Friction
Personal Example 1
Personal Example 2