If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Friday, November 4, 2011

Energy Unit Plan Week 3/3

PLEASE NOTE: After this week, the calendar will only show when something is due. Students are REQUIRED to copy down the agenda in class for each day.  Every student MUST bring their agenda to class daily. 

Thermal Energy Lab - Students will observe the motion of particles. (Subject to change if materials cannot be acquired)
3rd - CRCT Pink Slip # is due & #7 distributed

Camping in November - Last week students received directions and a large sheet of paper. Side 1 with heading --> Students create a daytime scene of a camping trip and apply key energy terms to objects and events that represent thermal energy and heat transfer. Side 2 --> Repeat above directions except that scene represents the night time.
4th - CRCT Pink Slip #6 is due & #7 distributed

Matter/Energy Portfolio - Students will update their portfolio and reflect on their learning for this unit.
5th - CRCT Pink Slip #6 is due & #7 distributed

3rd - Last minute touches to fashion show project (Students should bring in what they need for their project. No materials are provided.)
4th - Lab 404 to prepare for test (subject to change)
5th/6th - Last minute touches to book project (Students should bring in what they need for their project. No materials are provided.)
6th - CRCT Pink Slip #6 is due & #7 distributed

3rd - Fashion Show on Energy
4th - Energy Test
5th/6th - Book Presentations

Journals 21 - 22 (Topics are located HERE).  Entries must contain all required components to receive an overal grade of 70% or higher. Please use the sample and the checklist that have been provided.  These directions are repeated throughout the week as reminders.
CRCT Pink Slip #7