If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Week 1 of Waves Unit

PLEASE NOTE: Starting this week, the calendar will only show when something is due. Students are REQUIRED to copy down the agenda in class for each day.  Every student MUST bring their agenda to class daily. 
3rd – Share their Sports Energy Fashion Show Presentations
4th – Unpacking Standard S8P4 (See GPS tab above)
5th - Unpacking Standard S8P4 (See GPS tab above)
6th - Unpacking Standard S8P4 (See GPS tab above)
3rd - CRCT Pink Slip #7 is due & #8 distributed

3rd - Unpacking Standard S8P4 (See GPS tab above); Index Cards Due
4th – Vocabulary Cards à Index Cards Due
5th – Vocabulary Cards à Index Cards Due
6th – Vocabulary Cards à Index Cards Due
4th - CRCT Pink Slip #7 is due & #8 distributed
This unit is vocabulary heavy (like chemistry unit) and for students to be successful, they must study vocabulary cards each night.

3rd – Vocabulary Cards à Index Cards Due
4th – Finish Vocabulary Cards
5th - Finish Vocabulary Cards
6th - Finish Vocabulary Cards
5th - CRCT Pink Slip #7 is due & #8 distributed

All – Introduction to Waves Notes
6th - CRCT Pink Slip #7 is due & #8 distributed

All – Introduction to Waves Notes (Continued)

Journals 23 - 24 (Topics are located HERE).  Entries must contain all required components to receive an overall grade of 70% or higher. Please use the updated checklist that has been provided on my website.  These directions are repeated throughout the week as reminders to students.
CRCT Pink Slip #7
Study 20 minutes each night (focus on the vocabulary)
3rd only à work on Science Reading Reports (The PDF file you need to fill out is Helpful Links section.)