If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holiday Break

Dear Parents,

From December 19th to January 2nd, our school district will be on HOLIDAY BREAK. I would like to wish our team’s families a wonderful and restful break. As we get ready to embark on a new semester I would like to share some reminders with you:

1. Restock school supplies (pens, paper, pencils, etc.).

2. Any donations of tissue and Lysol wipes would be greatly appreciated.

3. Purchase an agenda if your child does not already have one. All teachers will sign all agendas this point forward.

         Ms. Prince - http://www.msprincescience.blogspot.com/
         Mr. Pittman - http://www.mrpittmangeorgiastudies.blogspot.com/
         Mrs. Silas - http://silasmath.blogspot.com/
         Ms. Davis - http://ms-ldavis.blogspot.com/

4. Bookmark our websites to receive up-to-date information on what’s going on in school.

5. For science text alerts, text @msmpr to (415) 666-2434 and follow the instructions. (Students can also sign up for the science reminders.)

6. Conference Week is March 19 – 23.

7. Review the team’s policies and discipline plan in the purple folder.

We look forward to everyone’s return and to another great semester next year!