If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Dear Parents,
Please note that there are a couple of changes to our normal routine.  Please mark all important dates on your calendar so that you are aware of things to come.

3rd Period
Tuesday - Standards Project, Jeopardy
Wednesday - Sound Lecture Notes
Thursday - Sound Lecture Notes & Activity (time permitting)
Friday - Benchmark testing

4th, 5th, 6th Period
Tuesday - Standards Project
Wednesday - Jeopardy
Thursday - Sound Lecture
Friday - Benchmark testing; finish Sound notes

Journals and Pink Slips will resume the week of January 17th. Student should use this time to study for the test over light and sound.
Waves Unit test will be administered January 11th. Please use the parent tutor guide, which was mailed early December to review for this test.
Please review your child's agenda to see what they are doing everyday in class.