If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Feb. 6-10

Reminders: Please review your child’s agenda daily, as this is one of our main pieces of communication with parents. For science text alerts about due dates and tests, text @msmpr to (415) 666-2434 and follow the on-screen instructions.

Motion and Force Unit

By the end of this unit, students will know the relationship between force, mass, and the motion of objects.

During these last weeks, I have identified some misconceptions about force and motion that students have shared.  Here is a quick review over those items:

Force & Motion Misconceptions on PhotoPeach

Advance – Create a force and motion brochure: Create an informative brochure (inside and out) with accurate text and visuals on the 3 laws of motion (3 inside panels) and 4 types of friction, forces in general, and gravity (3 outside panels). The final draft must be neat and on copy paper.
  • Science Reading Articles are here. (See the links on the side for the form.)
Regular – Create a force and motion brochure: Create an informative brochure (inside and out) with accurate text and visuals on the 3 laws of motion (3 inside panels) and 4 types of friction, forces in general, and gravity (3 outside panels). The final draft must be neat and on copy paper.

Advance – Computer Lab - Force with Joe Activity.  Here is the simulation link.

Regular – Redo force with Joe activity, print out and turn in. Reopen your Force with Joe assignment. Now that we have increased our understanding about how forces play a role in the motion of objects, check your work and make sure you are satisfied with your responses and arrows. Print out the assignment and turn in on the way out.  Work on Force and Motion Plato unit in Computer lab.

Advance – Infomercial Assignment with a partner

Regular – Reading Circles (Writing turned in last week will be returned for this activity.) In groups, we will read our motion writing exemplars and discuss the examples.  Students will update the writing and resubmit before leaving class.

AdvanceBrochures due. Infomercial Assignment with a partner. Today we created our storyboards of what our infomercials entail.

RegularBrochures due. Force, Motion, and Newton's Laws Learning Contract. Students must select any assignments they want to complete that will total 100 points.  A due date will be announced on Friday.

AdvanceJournals 33-36 due. Infomercial Assignment with a partner: Today we will finish the storyboards, type our scripts to review over the weekend.  Recording appointments will be issued for each team.

Regular –  Journals 33-36 due. Force, Motion, and Newton's Laws Learning Contract. Students will show me their contracts so that I can see what activities they will work on over the next couple of days.  Parents should review the contract in the event the students need materials to complete various tasks. The due date will be determined at a later time.

Check out our class YouTube Channel and tell me what you think!

Homework this week:
1. Journals 35 – 36 - Choose 2 topics to reflect upon for this week. Use the Journal Checklist (text-visual-color-highlighting) to ensure you have all components. You must submit 4 complete journals to get a minimum score of 70%.

2. Pink Slip #13 – Paste the slip onto a sheet of paper. Below the slip provide a justification supporting or not support each possible answer choice. On the pink slip highlight your final answer based upon your written rationales. If you lose your pink slip, a new one is located here. A new sheet will not be provided in class. It is your responsibility to keep up with your pink slips. Due Dates: Monday – 3rd; Tuesday – 4th; Wednesday – 5th; Thursday – 6th