If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 13 - 17

Reminders: Please review your child’s agenda daily, as this is one of our main pieces of communication with parents. For science text alerts about due dates and tests, text @msmpr to (415) 666-2434 and follow the on-screen instructions.

Motion and Force Unit

By the end of this unit, students will know the relationship between force, mass, and the motion of objects.

During these last weeks, I have identified some misconceptions about force and motion that students have shared.  Here is a quick review over those items:

Force & Motion Misconceptions on PhotoPeach

Advance – Infomercial Practice
  • Science Reading Articles are here. (See the links on the side for the form.)
Regular – Learning Contract (at least 35 points should be in rough draft form prior to class today); grading of assignments completed on Friday

Advance – Infomercial Videotaping

Regular – Learning Contract (at least 70 points should be in rough draft form prior to class today); grading of assignments completed on Monday

Advance –  Infomercials due; Watch student infomercials

Regular – Learning Contracts due (all 100 points MUST be in final form before dismissal each period); grading of assignments completed on Tuesday

Advance – Watch student infomercials; review for Friday's test; Use the YouTube Channel to help your review for the test as well!

Regular – Review for Test;Use the YouTube Channel to help your review for the test as well!

AdvanceForce and Motion Test

Regular –  Force and Motion Test

Homework this week:
1. Journals 37 – 38 - Choose 2 topics to reflect upon for this week. Use the Journal Checklist (text-visual-color-highlighting) to ensure you have all components. You must submit 4 complete journals to get a minimum score of 70%.

2. Pink Slip #14 – Paste the slip onto a sheet of paper. Below the slip provide a justification supporting or not support each possible answer choice. On the pink slip highlight your final answer based upon your written rationales. If you lose your pink slip, a new one is located here. A new sheet will not be provided in class. It is your responsibility to keep up with your pink slips. Due Dates: Monday – 3rd; Tuesday – 4th; Wednesday – 5th; Thursday – 6th