If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Monday, April 16, 2012

Agenda for April 16-20

Our Race Car Lab is underway and we need supplies!  Students need to bring in corrugated cardboard to build their race car.  Students need to bring in enough cardboard for at least 4 cars per team. Other materials include: rubber bands, strips of foil, new wooden pencils, and car decor!  All students will be in teams by Tuesday and will be informed of what they need to gather by then.  

Advance - On Monday, we will begin part two of the standards project. Students completed part one back in December.  Students will turn in both parts on the due date (TBD). Thursday is the last in class opportunity to work on the standards project. Friday all lab supplies (stated above) are due.  Students will begin to build their cars on Friday.  All cars must remain in school until the end of the lab.

Regular - On Monday, students received a final opportunity to finish their Magnet books which were started prior to CRCT testing.  The grading process will begin for this assignment after Monday.  The remainder of the week the students will work on the standards project as well.  Friday all lab supplies (stated above) are due.  Students will begin to build their cars on Friday.  All cars must remain in school until the end of the lab.

Ongoing HW - Begin reviewing notes and assignments in preparation for the final. (Yes I know it is several weeks away, but these weeks are moving faster than we think!)

Have a wonderful week!