If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, August 2, 2012

An Introduction to Our Physical Science Class

Today we spent time reviewing the class syllabus and all the expectations that I have for the students.  My class is one of high engagement.  Students will participate in activities that will require them to find their own answers, make new discoveries, and connect content with everyday living.  We will do a lot of writing and presenting.  We may even participate in activities which require us to come up with our own designs and build models that reflect scientific concepts.  

Parents, I didn't forget about you! Over the next few days I will share resources with you that will enable you to provide support in science at home.  You are your child's most important and valuable resource at home and I want to make sure that you are fully equipped to show your kids your scientific genius abilities!

Oftentimes, students lose pleasure in learning about the scientific nature of things because their curiosity isn't fed.  Well not this year! I want all my students to be encouraged to wonder about the world in which they live. I want them to make their own discoveries as opposed to just giving answers.  I want my students to think like they've never thought before about how natural processes work and how these processes play a role in their everyday lives.  

Between this evening and over the weekend, please review the student manual with your child.  Each teacher has put in quality time to provide you with a rich resource of information that you will need throughout the school year.