If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Welcome back Parents and Students!

Dear Parents and Students, 
I would like to officially welcome you back to another school year.  It was great to see so many old and new faces.  For some of you this will be your second child going through our team and we are excited to have you back.  Those of you who are our first time families, we are looking forward to building strong relationships with you.  

Each family's journey will be different, but a journey nonetheless.  We will share some smooth times and rough times, but just know that our team is on YOUR side.  We have many new surprises in store for this class that will further enrich each child's learning experience this year.  We have high expectations for all students and will see to it that each child is receiving the support that they need to succeed. 

Parents we can't do this alone; we need your help.  Here are just a few ways that you can help make 8th grade a successful year:

* Check your child's agenda each night.

* Please don't take your child's word for it--check our websites to make sure whether homework has been assigned or not. 

* Each week help your child to reorganize their binders and place every sheet in the right section of their binders. 

* Check grades once a week! 

* Make sure that we have the right contact information whenever changes our made.  

* Remind your child about your expectations of them as an eighth grader.

* Bookmark our websites. (Look over to the right under the "Blogroll.")

I believe this level of support will help start the school year off on the right foot.  

Again, welcome back and we look forward to seeing you throughout the school year!