If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Monday, August 27, 2012

"I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore!"

We have completed our lessons and activities on the history of the atomic model, particle movement during all four states of matter, and the different changes of states.  Now, it's time to talk about the matter PROPERTIES, CHANGES, and the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MATTER.

Our Learning Targets This Week:
1. I can describe the difference between physical properties and chemical properties.
2. I can describe the difference between physical changes and chemical changes.
3. I can explain  and demonstrate an understanding of the Law of the Conservation of Matter.

The best way to understand these topics is to immerse ourselves in discussions, visual imagery, and interactive activities.  So we have whipped up a number of interesting things for students this week.  We are also going to connect many of the things we are talking about this week to the mini-labs we have been doing for the last couple of weeks.  Students will need to reflect back on those activities to help make new connections.

This week we will also work on organizing our Interactive Science Notebooks.  I have put together some pictures of what the first several pages should look like.

Our Interactive Science Notebook on PhotoPeach  

You've Got Mail!
The parents of two lucky students will receive a very special delivery this week.  I am keeping my eyes open for students who stand out among the crowd and SHOW WHAT THEY KNOW! Who will be the first two to receive this recognition? I guess we will have to wait and see!