If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Matter Saga Continues...

Last week, we looked at the properties and changes of matter.  Students chimed in with their own examples demonstrating that they were gaining a better understanding of these new concepts.  For students who are still struggling with last week's content, please visit MsPrinceScience YouTube Channel for newly uploaded videos on the topics.

Here's a preview of one of our topics this week:

This week we will look at the different types of matter (pure substances and mixtures).  Once this material is covered we will wrap up the week learning about the element squares on the periodic table.  Understanding the information in an element square is critical to understanding the organization of the periodic table.

Learning Targets this week:

  • I can explain the law of conservation of matter.
  • I can tell the difference between pure substances and mixtures.
  • I can interpret what the information on an element square means for each element.
  • I can distinguish between an atom, element, compound, molecule, and mixture.

Students of the Month (AUGUST)
Congratulations to the following students in science class!
1st period: Hunter and Mikayla
2nd period: Adam and Claire
5th period: Chris and Sabrina
6th period: Ryan and Graci

Quiz grades reflect the amount of studying students are doing on a daily basis.  Let us try to improve our study habits so that we can increase our level of preparedness on formative assessments.