If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wrapping up Matter Part 1

Last Week: We revisited concepts that students didn't demonstrate an adequate level of mastery.

This Week: We will continue reviewing missed concepts this week and begin the introductory stages of Matter Part II.

Learning Targets this Week:

  • I can analyze literature to find the main ideas, similarities, and differences.
  • I recognize that the periodic table contains more than 100 elements.
  • I can explain  the organization of periodic table of elements.

Ten Study & Test Preparation Tips:
1. Organize the information from lessons, notes, and activities graphically to help yourself understand concepts in a different way.
        *draw pictures or cartoon
        *make graphs or charts
2. Give your notes to your parents and ask them to quiz you.
3. For study groups with your peers and challenge each other to give new examples based on the notes.
4. Watch the videos located here and add new ideas to your notes that you may have missed in class.
5. Download and listen to podcasts from here.
6. Don't just review one or two nights before an assessment. Review every evening for at least 20 minutes.
7. Only memorize facts! For everything else, use the suggestions listed in Tips 1-6.
8. Conduct an internet search on topics you are still unclear about and find more information to support your learning. (You can even add these things to the left side of your notes.)
9. Come to Help Sessions on Wednesdays from 7:45 to 8:15 in the morning.
10. Ask more questions in class! Don't be afraid to raise your hand if something is not clear for you.  My job is to try and answer your questions or direct you to resources that will help you find the answers.