If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Like the Way Heat Moves!

We are in our final week of our Introduction to Energy. This short introduction takes us into what we will be learning in-depth for the rest of the school year.  As we wrap up the last two weeks I wanted to share one of the walls my students are currently working on.  As time moves on we should see this list grow.

On Saturday, I received a direct message from @QuizMeChem.  Typically, they send out general messages asking chemistry questions. (This means, that if you plan on taking chemistry in high school you may want to follow these folks on Twitter.) Well, instead of me answering one of their general questions, they decided to give me a POP QUIZ! The question they asked me could not have come at a better time.  Our topic is on heat this week and how it is transferred.  So if I were to ask you to describe heat, what would you say? Well, this was the question I was asked and hear is how I responded:

(c) PicCollage, 2012

What a way to put my scientific knowledge to the test! So have you ever thought about heat and how it moves?  Our learning this week takes us on a journey of heat transfer.  Now let's do a vocabulary check:

  • Define conduction.
  • Define convection.
  • Define radiation

Perhaps, my picture can help!
(c) Prince, 2012
How did you do? I know we started talking about these words in the first couple of days during our energy unit.  How have your descriptions changed as we've learned new concepts about energy?

Well now that I've got your attention, don't forget to head over to the agenda page to see what is on our weekly list of To-Do's.