If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Let's Catch the Wave!

We have finally finished our introduction do the different types of energy that we will continue to learn more about throughout the remainder of the year.  This week our learning is all about waves, their characteristics, and measurable properties.  This information will set the stage for several hands-on inquiry related tasks after the Thanksgiving Break.  Are you ready? Let's go!

What are Waves?
Waves are disturbances that transfer energy from one point to the next.  Some waves require a medium while others do not.  Waves that require a medium are called mechanical waves and those that don't require a medium are called electromagnetic waves.  Now let's stop and think for a minute. What do you already know about electromagnetic waves? What is their source of energy? How do they travel? Scroll over the pictures to see links for more information.

(c) Prince, 2012
(c) Prince, 2012

There is a lot of artwork involved with this unit so get ready to put your Picasso skills together!

2 wave types

Comic #1 Question: What is the main difference between a mechanical and electromagnetic wave?

energy transfer

Here is a podcast on Electromagnetic waves.

(Music by D.J. Cuomo & T. Findley, 1998)

Other Wave Questions to Consider:
What are other examples of mechanical waves?
Do waves transfer matter?
In a transverse wave, how does the wave travel and in which manner is the force directed?
In an longitudinal wave, how does the wave travel and in which manner is the force directed?

Here are more resources for you on the nature of waves!

See you in the classroom!