If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Preplanning: July 25 - 31

Day 1 - Welcome Back: Unpacking

Well, summer is over for us teachers and it's time to get ready for our new students, curriculum, and another fantastic eighth grade year.  This year I have moved to a new classroom along the 400 hallway.  This year will be the first time that all eighth graders will be on the same hallway. My piles of boxes are completely gone and thanks to two wonderful former students (Morgan and Rachel) our students manuals are all setup and ready to go!

Day 2 - Preparations

Well now that the first day is behind me it's time to start working out the logistics of the classroom.  I am looking forward to the very first contact I make with my new families as I invite my homeroom to Open House. I have been busy brainstorming what I will do for Open House and hope to have my ideas solidified soon. I managed to get a few Open House phone calls in today, but will finish my list over the weekend or on Monday. Things are definitely coming together and I am making great progress. 

Day 3 - Making Progress

Today I have to put my Open House materials together.  The excitement is clearly evident on the hall as everyone is making final preparations for the big event! 

Day 4 - Open House Today

Okay, I am making some progress. These boxes are definitely not going to move themselves.  I will set the tables up for Open House tonight with the items we need to gather from families.  

Day 5 - Almost Done!

Open House was a success yet again!  Now the best news of the day: I met ALL of my homeroom parents and students! It was an absolute pleasure to meet everyone this evening. I look forward to working with you throughout the year. So many new and familiar families this year.  I am absolutely excited about my plans with this new group. See everyone on Thursday!