If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Welcome Back to School!

Dear Parents and Students,

My name is Dr. Prince and I would like to officially welcome you to another school year.  If you are reading this it means you have successfully located my website.  Now bookmark it or add it to your favorites so that you don't have to remember the long URL (web address).  Please take time to navigate through my website so that you can become familiar with what it has to offer.  If you look at the top of the screen, you will notice several tabs starting with "About" and ending with "Technology." I will briefly go over each page now.

About - Who is Dr. Prince? Check this page out so that you can get to know me.

Blog - This is the first page you will see every time you log into my site.  Each week I will update this page with information relating to what we will focus on in class.  I will include pictures, videos, and other resources.  It is my advice that you check this page weekly to gather the necessary information to mentally prepare for class each day.

Homeroom - Who are my top readers? This page is devoted to my homeroom and all the activities we do during the first 30 minutes of the day.

NBI - Needs-Based Instruction is a 45 minute class period devoted to auxiliary units to support learning throughout the year.  In my class, I cover math, science, and language arts (and perhaps the occasional social studies topic may come up).  Work in this class may count as a grade throughout the year so take it seriously.

Standards - By the end of the school year, students are to be knowledgeable about five main content areas in science.  Students and parents can always refer to the standards to see what our focus of learning is for each unit.

Agenda - Beyond the blog, this is the second most important page on my website.  The calendar at the top gives you the month-at-a-glance.  Below that is the week-at-a-glance.  Please know that while I update this weekly, it can change within the week to meet students' needs.  However, if a student is absent this is the next best way to keep up with the class (outside of liking my Facebook page, subscribing to my Youtube page, and following my Twitter page).

How-To's - Many times I am asked how to access grades, the text book, and other online resources.  I will post information on this page showing you what to do.  

Technology - This is my favorite page as it provides a number of great websites I have tried or have been recommended by colleagues all over the world for student use.  If you know of a site that I am missing on my page and you think it should be there, please let me know.  

The right side bar contains many links to resources and ways to contact me.  At the bottom of the page is an e-version of the student manual. If you ever lose your manual (which I hope you don't) you can always print a new copy for school.

Okay, so did you bookmark or add this page to your favorites yet? Well what are you waiting for? While you are busy doing that I am going to prepare for Day 2.