If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Friday, August 2, 2013

First Day of Notes

Now that we have gone over all the county and school rules, it's time to address my expectations for this school year.  Technology and doing experiments are such and integral part of this class.  This means that in order for you to participate in both, I will need the permission forms returned and on file.  

Friday we took a few notes on the technologies we use in this class.  Hopefully, you had a chance over the weekend to check out the various technologies while at home.

Have a great weekend.  I look forward to our very first week together.  Come prepared to learn by checking out the following resources (only a suggestion):

Introduction to Physical Science:

1. Scope of Physical Science 

2. The Scientific Process

3. Safety in Science

4. Communication in Science

5. Physical Science Careers

Introduction to Matter:

1. What is Matter?

While I do not expect you to take notes, I do expect you to PREVIEW this material in preparation for classroom discussions next week.  

How to Preview Text:
1. Look at headings, subheadings, and key terms.
2. Make sense of visuals (images, graphs, etc.).
3. Review the questions at the end of text.
4. Mentally summarize what you think the information is about (the big picture).