If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 7: The Periodic Table

There is a new hit song on the radio waves now...well...maybe not on your local radio station, but definitely a cool song to listen to if I say so myself.

How cool was that?

So probably by now you have figured out that we are finally going to talk about that big poster on the classroom wall.  Well if that was your thought, you are most certainly correct. We already know the story of Dmitri Mendeleev and how the periodic table came about, but if you need a refresher click here

Before we get into the heart of the matter, we will start this week with three discovery learning stations. 

Learning Station 1: The Periodic Table
This learning station is all about figuring out how to organize the missing elements from the periodic table and then hypothesizing about five elements with regard to their chemical properties. Check out this video before class on Monday. 

Learning Station 2: Atomic Structure Models
This learning stations requires that you choose an atom and build it according to the information provided on the periodic table. You will be assigned one element to study at this station. You will want to review your notes on the structure of the atom to help you out on this activity. Please watch this video before class on Monday.

Learning Station 3: The Law of Conservation of Matter
The Law of Conservation of Matter states that in the formation of new substances matter can neither be created nor destroyed.  You will be busy providing evidence to support this law. Be careful though, things can get pretty messy if you don't follow the directions! Here's the last video you need to watch before Monday.

After we have completed the learning stations, we will share our findings as a class. Be prepared to discuss what you've learned, in addition to asking any questions that will help you clear up any areas of confusion. 

Our focus for the remainder of the week will be the periodic table. Are you ready?

Additional resources for this week include:
Hunting the Elements Periodic Table [PDF]
Periodic Table Games
Element Flash Cards
Periodic Table Name Game
Nova's Elemental Quiz
Periodic Table Quiz
Printable Periodic Table Test (Don't do 28-29 and 43-46; answer key available in classroom)