If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 8: Chemical Bonding and The Law

As we come to the end of our learning on the periodic table, we will now look at the relationship between the elements, chemical bonding, and the Law of Conservation of Matter. We spent the first two days of the previous week discussing the Law of Conservation of Matter, but this week we will get into more of the math behind it. Review these videos in preparation for class this week.

Here is the link for the Element Square project internet research as we reviewed in class:
Periodic Table Research Search Engine. Use this video to review the expectations for your Element Square research handout. 

1st Period - Periodic Table Basics Assignment (Advance)
2nd - 4th Periods - Periodic Table Basics Assignment (Regular) (ANSWER KEY)

Vocabulary of the Week (VOTW) - elements, reactivity, periodic table, conservation, bond, coefficient, subscript, energy level, valence electrons, reactants, products

The Periodic Table and Valence Electrons

Video Questions
How many elements can each energy level hold?
What is the name of the electron in the outermost energy level? [7:57]
What is the purpose of the electron dot diagram or the Lewis Diagram? [9:02]
How many valence electrons do the elements in Group 2 contain? [10:44]
Where do you place the valence electron dots for elements in Group 13? [12:15]
What is the unique nature of the valence electrons for elements in Group 18? [15:30]
What can be implied when observing an element with a full energy level? [15:59]

Chemical Bonds

Video Questions
What type of bond is sodium chloride (NaCl)?  
Why does sodium and chlorine join together? [2:53]
How many atoms does Na give to Cl? [3:40]
What do you call an atom that has a charge? [4:32]
How many steps take place in forming ionic bonds? [6:01]

Law of Conservation of Mass and Balancing Equations

Balancing Chemical Equations by Brightstorm (video with more practice problems)

Video Questions
What is the purpose of the coefficient?

Balancing Chemical Equations
Click to Run

Our Agenda this Week:
(The schedule changes to match the needs of my students.)

Bonding Notes

Academy Lab; Element Project
Drawing Molecules; Periodic Table Basics Activity
Work on Element Project
Work on Element Project (Due today); Bonding
Finish PT Tables;
Bonding Notes
Academy Lab;
Element Project
Drawing Molecules; Periodic Table Basics Activity 
Work on Element Project

Work on Element Project (Due today); Bonding
Next Week:  Video Projects Due (Gifted); Matter Part !! Test, Standards Project