If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 10: Intro to Energy Unit

We are finally ready to move on to the next unit--Energy. Is the everyday use of the word the same as the scientific meaning of energy? That's what we will need to find out! This week we are just going to make connections to the energy vocabulary and learn about the different types of energy. 

VOTW (Vocabulary of the Week)
kinetic energy
potential energy
gravitational potential energy
elastic potential energy
mechanical (motion) energy
thermal energy/ heat energy
electrical energy/ light energy/ radiant energy
chemical energy
electromagnetic energy
energy transformation
law of conservation of energy

What is energy? 
Energy is the ability to do work or cause change. Energy is required to make many things happen around us. You will be surprise to discover how much you already know about energy.

There are 2 main categories of energy: kinetic and potential. Every other type of energy falls under either or both of these categories. After this introduction to energy we will spend the rest of the year focusing on sound and light energy, motion energy, thermal energy, gravitational, electric, and magnetic energy.

The word kinetic comes from the Greek word kinesis, which is motion. Have you ever heard someone say that they are a kinesthetic learner? This means that they like to move around and be active while they learn.  

Potential energy, on the other hand, is stored energy based on an object's position.  The amount of potential energy depends on a few factors as does kinetic energy.  

Here is an introductory 3 minute video to get you ready for some of our activities for the next 3 weeks!

Our Agenda this Week:
(The schedule changes to match the needs of my students.)

Standards Project
Standards Project
Standards Project Due; Energy Vocab
Energy Notes
Guest Speaker
Review Matter Test; Standards Project
Standards Project
Standards Project Due;
Energy Vocabulary
Energy Notes

Guest Speaker
Next Week:  Types of Energy