If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week 9: Demonstrating What You Know

This final week of the first quarter is all about demonstrating everything you learned since August up to this point.  For Gifted students, this week you will share your Matter Documentary Videos. For my other classes, you will demonstrate what you know by completing the second part of the Matter Test. All students will use the remaining three days of this week to work on the standards project. The standards project will be the first  summative grade of the second quarter. Below I have included more practice websites in preparation for classroom assessments and projects.

See you in the classroom!

Practice quizzes and test
Matter Quiz
Atoms Quiz
Pure Substances and Mixtures Quiz
Elements and Compound Quiz
Properties and Changes Quiz
Periodic Table Quiz #1
Periodic Table Quiz #2
Law of Conservation (Balancing Equations) Quiz #1
Law of Conservation (Balancing Equations) Quiz #2

Our Agenda this Week:
(The schedule changes to match the needs of my students.)

Check videos at school; Water Essays Due;
Law of Conservation
of Matter Sim
Video Projects Due
Finish Video Projects; Standards Project
Standards Project
Standards Project; Energy Vocabulary
Law of Conservation
of Matter
Matter Test; Standards Project
Standards Project
Standards Project

Standards Project; Energy Vocabulary
Next Week:  Energy Unit & Vocabulary; Conference Week