If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week 12: Heat Transfer

Let's review the different forms of energy before we get into this week's topic.

We can't talk about energy without addressing heat! Now how exactly is heat related to this discussion of energy? Well, our focus is to look at the 3 ways in which heat is transferred.  

Conduction - heat transfers through direct contact between particles

Convection - heat transfers between warmer and cooler fluids (liquids and gases)

Radiation - heat transfers through empty space

What are some examples you can come up with for each type of heat transfer after watching the video?

Additional Energy Resources
Quiz 3

Our Agenda this Week:
(The schedule changes to match the needs of my students.)

Computer Lab 404; Kidblog Setup; Pecha Kucha 
Video Questions; Hoodwinked
Computer Lab 404
Camping in November
Camping in November Due
Computer Lab
(Academy); Kidblog Setup; Energy Skate Park
Energy in Movies Due & Hoodwinked & Video Questions
Energy Pass Game 
Camping in November 

Camping in November Due
Next Week:  Law of Conservation of Energy, Heat Transfer, Conductors & Insulators