If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week 13: Putting It All Together

P2a. Law of Conservation of Energy
The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transferred from one type to another.

Example 1: Electrical to Sound = Radio
Example 2: Electrical to Thermal and Light = Toasting bread
Example 3: Electromagnetic to Chemical to Mechanical = Sun providing light to plants and foods; We eat the plants and food items to provide the energy to throw objects

Be prepared to provide examples of single and multiple energy transformations this week. Here is a song to talk about much of the energy we have been discussing for the last few weeks. Don't forget you have the lyrics to this in your notebooks.

P2b. Relationship between PE and KE

What is the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy? Is the transformation gradual or immediate? What are some real-life examples of changes between PE and KE? Perhaps we can go to a park and find out!

P2c. Forms of Energy
There are five types of energy we need to learn beyond potential and kinetic energy: sound, mechanical, light, thermal, and electricity.  However, don't forget we did talk about other types, which include gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, chemical energy, and nuclear energy.

How would you describe each one? Can you create a visual representation for each one? We will work on our Energy Art Pass game this week. Let's see your energy skills shine with this activity!

P2d. Heat Transfer
We will do a Camping in November in the Mountains activity this week.  What do you think heat transfer has to do with it? What do you think you will need on this trip? Well, grab your gear and let's find out! Before we do, you may want to check out the song below. (You received the lyrics in class last week.)

There are some other things we need to talk about when we discuss heat transfer like conductors, insulators, and thermal expansion. We will watch Science Court on Thursday, but you can preview the show now.

Some questions to consider:
1. Is the plaque made of particles?
2. What type of energy is involved in this process?
3. Does heat cause matter to expand?
4. Why does the plaque break out of the frame?
5. What do you think the verdict will be?

Our Agenda this Week:
(The schedule changes to match the needs of my students.)

Camping in November
Computer Lab; Conductors and InsulatorsCamping in November DUEComputer Lab (final day); Energy Blog #1HS Guidance Lesson in Media Center
Hoodwinked; Heat Transfer; Conductors and Insulators
Camping in NovemberCamping in November DUEScience Court: Particles in MotionHS Guidance Lesson in Media Center
Next Week:  Pecha Kucha Presentations; Energy Test; Energy Standards Packet; Begin Wave Characteristics