If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week 2 At-a-Glance

Well I hope you enjoyed your weekend and grabbed all your supplies while back to school sales are still going on.  This week we will continue looking at more characteristics of scientists. Are you ready?

Monday (pgs. 6-7) - Controls & Variables [PPT] [activity]
After copying notes from the PowerPoint, take one of the scenarios from the activity link and glue it onto page 7. Use the directions in the PowerPoint to correctly highlight the independent, dependent, and controlled variables.

Tuesday (pgs. 8-9) - PreTest; Accuracy & Precision [Handout]
After submitting the pre-test, pick up the accuracy and precision handout and activity sheet.  Glue them down into the notebook according to the directions in the image below. Follow the directions for completing your work independently.

Wednesday (pg. 10) - Comparing & Contrasting the Scientific Inquiry Process [article] [video]
After reading the article and watching the video, create a venn diagram comparing and contrasting the two approaches to scientific inquiry.

Thursday - Review and Reflect on Pre Test Data; Setup Data Folders
Image Source: http://www.schuyler.k12.mo.us/high-school/teacher-pages/mr-gibson-art/
*Pretest grades are available for review on Parent Portal. These scores DO NOT count for a summative grade. 

Friday (pgs. 11-12) - Lab Safety [handout 1] [handout 2]

*Please note: My plans are subject to change to meet the needs of all my students.

On another note...


Look at our first round of supplies last week! I say first round because this past Monday we received more tissue and hand sanitizer! We are off to a healthy start! The glue came in the nick of time as my first order of glue has not arrived. We have been busy gluing in papers since the 2nd day of school.  Students are also learning how to use post-its in their notebooks as they respond or reflect on learning activities. Without your donations meeting some of our immediate needs would not have been possible. I truly appreciate your support!