If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Friday, January 6, 2012

January 9-13

Reminders: No journals or pink slips this week. Please review your child's agenda daily as this is one of our main communication pieces with you. For science text alerts, text @msmpr to (415) 666-2434 and follow the on-screen instructions.

Monday – 
     Unpacking Standards S8P3


Unit Overview and Learning Focus (Chapter 9-10)
Predict what you think this unit is about. Use the words or phrases that stood out to you when you read or skimmed the Chapter Overview, Visuals, Captions, Headings, and Study Guides.

Essential Questions
1. How can you describe an object’s motion?
2. What causes an object’s motion to change?

Interpreting Graphs
1. Refer to the graph on page 316. What aspects of the graph are you familiar with? How do you find the slope?
2. Refer to the sample problem on page 323. Then using the sample, complete math practice #1.
3. Refer to the leaf/acorn visual on page 347. Interpret what the arrows imply about the motion of the two objects in terms of gravity and air resistance. Why does the acorn appear to be falling faster than the leaf? Why do you think this is happening?

     Study guide due for bonus points
     Standards project due
     Vocabulary: Define all 30 terms in a three column chart (Word-Definition-Picture); 
     Students will receive bonus points for creating original pictures (picture examples should not reflect visual or textual information from the textbook)

Here are the 30 vocabulary words

     Wave Unit Test
     Finish Vocabulary
     Study guides are officially due
     (3rd) Waves Persuasive writing due for peer editing and rewriting based on those edits
     (4th) Motion notes
     (All) Motion notes & activity