If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 17-20

Reminders: Please review your child’s agenda daily, as this is one of our main pieces of communication with parents.  For science text alerts about due dates and tests, text @msmpr to (415) 666-2434 and follow the on-screen instructions.

Motion and Force Unit

By the end of this unit, students will know the relationship between force, mass, and the motion of objects.  (Here is the Force and Motion Study Guide.)

Monday: No School
·         3rd – Review motion concepts/What Causes Motion? (Notes)
o   Science Reading Articles are here.
·         4th through 6th – Review motion concepts/ What Causes Motion? (Notes)
o   Here are articles that count toward the 25 books campaign.
·         3rdPersuasive Writing Due/Peer Edits
·         4th through 6thVocabulary Due/Motion Activities
o   Students should have a pair of running shoes for outdoor activities, time permitting.
o   Students must have graph paper and a pencil for math-related activities.
·         3rdVocabulary Due/Motion Activities
o   Students should have a pair of running shoes for outdoor activities, time permitting.
o   Students must have graph paper and a pencil for math-related activities.
·         4th through 6th – Motion Activities
o   Students should have a pair of running shoes for outdoor activities, time permitting.
o   Students must have graph paper and a pencil for math-related activities.
·         3rdFinal Persuasive Writing Due/Motion Quiz/Collaborative Assignment
·         4th through 6thMotion Quiz/Group Critical Thinking Assignment

Homework this week:
1. Journals 29 – 30 - Choose 2 topics to reflect upon for this week.  Use the Journal Checklist to ensure you have all components.  You must submit 4 complete journals to get a minimum score of 70%.

2. Pink Slip #11 – Paste the slip onto a sheet of paper.  Below the slip provide a justification supporting or not support each possible answer choice.  On the pink slip highlight your final answer based upon your written rationales. If you lose your pink slip, a new one is located here.  A new sheet will not be provided in class. It is your responsibility to keep up with your pink slips.  Due Dates: Monday – 3rd; Tuesday – 4th; Wednesday – 5th; Thursday – 6th